How to Use Code 97012 for Mechanical Traction

Do you offer mechanical traction in your office? Or maybe you already do but are wondering how to properly bill for it? Either way, we’ve got you covered with this week’s blog post.
Let’s dive in and tackle all things related to CPT code 97012 for Mechanical Traction …
Proper Use of CPT Code 97012 for Mechanical Traction
Mechanical traction involves the use of a pulling force to the head/neck, pelvis, or extremities. The pulling force is used to stretch and distract muscles, ligaments, and tendons to relieve pain and increase connective tissue flexibility. The patient is fitted with halters or straps to weights, which are applied to provide the pulling force. Alternatively, body weight may be used to provide the pulling force for distraction of the cervical spine.
CPT Code 97012 is a supervised modality. Supervised modalities are defined as the application of a modality to 1 or more areas, which does not require direct (one-on-one) patient contact by the provider.
To use CPT code 97012 correctly, a healthcare provider must meet the following criteria:
- The traction must be mechanical in nature.
- This means that roller tables, Y-straps and manual traction are not covered under this code.
- The traction must abide by the 15 minute time rule.
The amount of force used, the angle of pull, and the type of traction device used are not specified in the code. However, the documentation should clearly describe the traction procedure that was performed.
In addition to CPT code 97012, there are a few other modifiers that may be used when billing for mechanical traction. These modifiers include:
- Modifier 59: This modifier is used to indicate that the traction procedure was performed independently of other services.
- Modifier GP: This modifier is used to indicate that the service performed is a therapeutic service in nature. Typically a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist would require this modifier by some insurances.
- Modifier GY: This modifier is used to obtain a denial on a non-covered service. Use this modifier to notify Medicare that you know this service is excluded. This is required on Medicare therapy CPT’s that will not be covered, allowing you to charge from the patient.
It’s important to note that mechanical traction can only be billed one time per session, regardless of the number of regions that the mechanical traction is performed in.
When billing for mechanical traction, it is important to follow the guidelines set forth by the American Medical Association (AMA). The AMA's CPT code book provides detailed instructions on how to use CPT code 97012.
Here are some additional tips for using CPT code 97012 correctly:
- Make sure that the traction procedure is documented in the patient's chart. The documentation should include the following information:
-The date of the procedure
-The type of traction device used
-The duration of the procedure
-The part(s) of the body to which it is applied
-The Etiology of symptoms requiring treatment
- Use the correct modifiers when billing for the procedure.
- Be aware of the payer's requirements for billing for mechanical traction.
By following these tips, you can ensure that you are using CPT code 97012 correctly and that you are getting paid for the services that you provide.
Of course, if you still have questions, or would like to learn more about how Bushido Billing can help you maximize your insurance compensation from the services you render in your office, then we’d like to invite you to connect with one of our experts on a complimentary consultation call. Click here: to start the conversation!

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